Tag Archive | Haven’t Met You Yet

Songs About Waiting for Love

You might have a very clear picture of who you want that special person to be. Or you may have no idea what to expect and are just waiting to be surprised. Either way, waiting for love involves a kaleidoscope of emotions: longing, frustration, anticipation, faith, excitement, loneliness, hope, even despair. So while you’re wishing and wondering, here’s a playlist of songs for the waiting heart.

1. Someone’s Waiting For You – Sammy Fain

This song from the Disney classic The Rescuers was sung for a little girl who was beginning to lose faith. I think the simple sweetness and innocence of it is the perfect balm for those moments of flagging hope, even for grown ups.

2. I Promise – Jaci Velasquez

This song is more than just a promise to wait for the right person, it’s also an expression of faith that he will come in the perfect time.

3. Wait for Me – Rebecca St. James

While waiting for that special someone, there’s a danger of overly idealizing him or her until there’s no room for flaws. I love the part where she sings “Now I know you may have made mistakes, but there’s forgiveness and a second chance.”

4. Waiting – Matt Wertz

He’s just trying to figure out this growing up thing, and he thinks having someone to stand by his side will help. Isn’t that something we’ve all felt at one time or another?

5. Counting to 100 – Matt Wertz

Another one from Matt Wertz, where he sings of waiting as a game of hide-and-seek. So he’ll count to 100, and maybe when he starts seeking he’ll find her. It’s impossible for me to listen to this without singing along.

6.  Between Us – Peter Bradley Adams

He starts by asking, “Hey stranger, when may I call you my own?” and promises that he’s willing to disregard everything and everyone that has come  between them. The song echoes with loneliness as he tells the unknown someone that he’ll cross any distance to get to her.

7. Love is Waiting – Brooke Fraser

I love Brooke Fraser’s lyrics. This song is about savoring the wait, slowing the pace, as they make sure they’re ready for each other. “I could write a million songs about the way you say my name, I could live a lifetime with you and then do it all again. And like I can’t force the sun to rise or hasten summer’s start, neither should I rush my way into your heart.” Yeah.

8. Haven’t Met You Yet – Michael Bublé 

I smile every time I hear this; it’s just so darn sweet and hopeful and cute! He knows he has a lot of love to give, and he’s not giving up until he meets the right person to receive it. With lyrics like “I guess it’s half timing, and the other half’s luck. Wherever you are, whenever it’s right, you’ll come out of nowhere and into my life,” this seems like the perfect song to end this list. (BONUS CUTENESS: He’s now married to the girl in the video. I dare you to watch it and not melt.)

So what songs in your playlist are about waiting? Comments and recommendations welcome!

NOTE: Kate Bradshaw’s Someday also belongs in this list, but I can’t find a video of it anywhere. Judging by the comments on the lyrics post, it’s rather elusive.